China Insights

The lessons learned, and the insights that the team at JFP Holdings have gained, from more than twenty years of experience doing business in China have been documented in numerous ways over the years.

Articles And Interviews: Jack Perkowski has written numerous articles on China and doing business in the country for the Far Eastern Economic Review, AmCham’s China Brief, BusinessForum China, Huffington Post and other publications. Jack is also a frequent speaker and commentator on the subject of China to the broadcast media, including CNN, CNBC, Fox, BBC, NPR and CCTV, as well as a variety of audiences worldwide: universities, business schools, corporate and industry conferences, and various chapters of the Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Society, YPO and other professional organizations.

Presentations: During the course of a year, the JFP Holdings team give numerous presentations to industry groups, companies and individuals regarding China and new developments in the country. While some of these presentations are proprietary and the property of the clients of JFP Holdings, many are not and are available to the general public.

In this section, we have collected the articles, interviews and presentations that we believe are most relevant to those interested in China. Following are some of the basic themes covered.

The Blog: Managing The Dragon, the blog, can be accessed at Started in 2007, MTD is written by Jack Perkowski and covers topics of interest regarding China, including articles about the development of different industries in the country, China’s economy, management, environmental issues, the stock market, political events and general economic, political and industry trends. MTD’s goal is not merely to repeat news that has already been reported elsewhere, but to provide unique insights into new developments that can only be gained from on-the-ground experience.

The Book Managing The Dragon, How I’m building A Billion-Dollar Business in China, written by Jack Perkowski and published by Crown Publishing in the United States and China Youth Press in China in 2008, remains one of the most authoritative books on doing business in the country. While China has grown larger since the book was written, the stories and insights regarding the inner workings of China are still relevant today. A Kindle edition of Managing The Dragon is available and well worth reading for anyone seriously interested in China.